How to Get Rid of Algae in Ponds Naturally

By Algal Web

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Pond algae is a common problem, especially in green or natural ponds. The presence of algae indicates that there are conditions in the pond that are perfect for its growth and expansion. If left untreated, the algae will continue to grow and result in an unsightly pond. Because you love your pond so much and do not want to take measures to destroy it, you’ll want to know about the best ways to remove algae from your pond without using chemicals. 

There are many different causes of algae in a pond. Sometimes it can be caused by stagnant water, overfeeding of fish, poor aeration, or extremes in pH levels. Algae tend to thrive when there is too much carbon dioxide or sunlight. When you combine all these factors, this will create ideal conditions for algae growth. 

Thus, if you have started noticing some patches of green on your pond and want them gone as soon as possible, read on to discover our top tips for getting rid of that pesky algae!

How to Get Rid of Algae in Ponds Naturally?

algae in pond
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1. Remove Floating Leaves and Debris

Floating leaves and debris are the top cause of algae in ponds. This is because the leaves block sunlight from reaching the bottom of the pond and prevent proper aeration of the water. As a result, the algae will thrive in the water and grow uncontrollably. If your pond contains fur, leaves, or other floating debris, you can simply scoop them out and throw them away. 

This will help remove some of the excess nutrients in the water that algae feed on, thus cutting down on its growth. These types of debris should be removed from the pond as often as possible to improve its appearance and keep the algae at bay. If you have a natural pond, you will find that you will need to remove these things more often than in a koi pond. 

This is because natural ponds don’t have a filtration system to remove these particles from the water. If you have fish in your pond, they will also help to eat any floating leaves and debris that come their way! As a result, this will help the water flow better, promoting better aeration and oxygenation.

2. Change Your Water

This may sound a little drastic, but if you have a particularly bad case of algae in your pond, changing a portion of the water is an excellent way to start removing it. By replacing a portion or even the entire volume of water in your pond every so often, you will be removing excess nutrients that would otherwise feed the algae and cause it to grow. 

The best times to do this are during the spring or fall when temperatures are more moderate and fish are less active in the pond. You will want to replace at least ½ of the water volume in the pond while changing the entire pond’s volume once every 3 years is usually recommended. 

When changing the water in your pond, make sure that you thoroughly clean the filter. If you are replacing the entire pond, clean your filter and pump. You can also clean the pipes and other equipment using a cleaning agent.

3. Install a UV filter

UV filters can be a great way to kill off algae and stop it from growing in your pond. These filters destroy bacteria and algae, which makes them ideal for ponds that are high in algae. They work by exposing the water to ultraviolet light which will kill off any organic matter in the water including algae. 

They also help to extend the life of your pond filters and pumps, which means you can save money in the long run. The downside of UV filters is that they also kill off beneficial bacteria found in the water, which is essential for the health of your fish. 

UV filters are best used in combination with other anti-algae methods to prevent this from happening. UV filters are a great option for ponds without fish. When choosing a UV filter, make sure that it is suitable for a pond of your size.

4. Add Plant-Based Biofuels

Some aquatic plants produce substances that help to break down excess nutrients, which can feed algae. Besides feeding algae, these excess nutrients can also make your water murky, which can make it difficult for sunlight to reach your plants. This can make it difficult for your fish to get the right amount of light they need as well. 

Adding plant-based biofuels is one of the best ways to combat algae in your pond. There are several brands on the market and they come in different forms such as pellets, tablets, or liquids. Some of the best plants for this include water lettuce, water hyacinth, and water barely. 

If you have fish in your pond, you will have to look for algae-free biofuels that don’t contain chemicals harmful to fish. Once you have purchased your biofuels, add them to your pond every few days. For best results, try to keep your pond clean and remove any dead plant matter as soon as you notice it. This will help prevent algae from growing and dying plants from getting too thick.

5. Use a Coagulation Filter

Another way to get rid of algae in your pond is by installing a coagulation filter. A coagulation water filter is a device that will remove any excess nutrients from the water. These filters will help to get rid of excess algae feeders such as nitrates and phosphates in the water, thus preventing algae from growing. 

It also gives your pond a fresh new look. By using a coagulation water filter you are basically creating a natural “negative ion” reaction in the water that will help to neutralize excess nutrients that cause algae growth. Coagulation filters are usually attached to the side of your pond, but some come with an attachment that can be placed inside. 

They are very easy to set up and will last for many years, making them a great choice for most ponds. Once you have installed this filter, make sure to clean it regularly. It will usually be recommended how often you should clean it. If you don’t clean the filter, it will stop working and algae will return to your pond.

6. Add Rocks and Pebbles

If your pond is low in nutrients and naturally low in algae, adding rocks and pebbles to the pond will help to prevent it from growing in the future. This is because rocks and pebbles are usually inert and don’t feed and grow algae. Because of this, algae cannot attach itself to the rocks and pebbles, therefore preventing it from expanding. 

If your pond is large enough, you can also grow aquatic plants on the rocks. This will help to further prevent algae from growing. If you want to use rocks or pebbles to prevent algae, there are a few things you should consider. For example, certain types of rocks tend to be smoother than others, and therefore less likely to grow algae. 

You should also choose rocks that are porous because this will allow water to flow easily through them without creating stagnation. If you are adding rocks or pebbles to your pond, make sure that they are clean and free from debris, such as dirt.


The most effective way to prevent algae from growing in your pond is to keep it clean. Remove any debris from your pond as soon as you notice it to prevent algae from growing. You can also change your water from time to time to remove excess nutrients that feed algae. 

You can also install a UV filter, add rocks and pebbles, or use a conventional algaecide to kill off algae. With these tips, you should be able to get rid of algae in your pond without using harmful chemicals. If you want to keep your pond clean and algae-free, you will have to make sure it is properly maintained. 

By following these tips, you will be able to prevent and manage algae in your pond. Once you get used to taking care of your pond, it will become a fun and rewarding hobby.

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