Does Sea Moss Help With Psoriasis

By Algal Web

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Psoriasis, a persistent skin condition affecting 2 percent of the global population, has spurred a surge in searches for natural remedies. 

Sea moss, with a remarkable 207.7% rise in interest, is under the spotlight. 

Can sea moss effectively address the challenges of psoriasis? 

This article explores the link between sea moss and psoriasis, delving into its potential skincare benefits and the scientific backing behind the claims.

What is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune skin disorder characterized by the rapid buildup of skin cells. 

In a healthy skin cycle, cells mature and are shed off gradually over a month. 

However, in psoriasis, this process accelerates, taking merely a few days. 

The result is an accumulation of thick, red, and scaly patches on the skin’s surface. 

These patches, known as plaques, can be itchy and painful, causing considerable discomfort for those affected.

1. Key Characteristics:


The hallmark of psoriasis, is plaques that are raised, inflamed areas covered with silvery-white scales.

Affected Areas: 

Psoriasis commonly occurs on the elbows, knees, scalp, lower back, and nails, but it can affect any part of the body.

Varied Types: 

Psoriasis manifests in different forms, including plaque psoriasis (most common), guttate psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, and erythrodermic psoriasis.

2. Underlying Causes:

Autoimmune Response: 

Psoriasis is fundamentally an autoimmune disease where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells.

Genetic Predisposition: 

There’s a strong genetic component, with one in five psoriasis patients having a family history of the condition.


Various triggers, such as stress, infections, and certain medications, can exacerbate psoriasis symptoms.

In the following sections, we’ll explore the potential connection between skincare and sea moss.

Skincare Benefits of Sea Moss

Sea moss, a vibrant red algae packed with nutrients, is emerging as a natural skincare hero. 

Beyond its culinary applications, this algae boasts impressive properties that benefit the skin in multiple ways. 

Let’s explore the key benefits of incorporating sea moss into your skincare routine:

1. Hydration Boost:

Sea moss is a natural humectant, meaning it helps attract and retain moisture. 

This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with dry skin. 

The hydrating properties of sea moss contribute to a more supple and plump complexion, reducing the appearance of fine lines and promoting overall skin health.

2. Rich in Nutrients:

Packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E, and K, sea moss provides a nourishing cocktail for the skin. 

These vitamins play key roles in supporting collagen production, promoting elasticity, and protecting the skin from environmental stressors. 

The minerals found in sea moss, including zinc, magnesium, and sulfur, further contribute to a healthy and vibrant complexion.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Sea moss possesses anti-inflammatory compounds that may help soothe irritated skin. 

This can be especially beneficial for individuals dealing with inflammatory skin conditions, including psoriasis. 

By calming redness and reducing inflammation, sea moss contributes to a more balanced and comfortable skin environment.

4. Collagen Support:

Collagen is a vital protein for maintaining skin structure and elasticity. 

Sea moss contains amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, which support collagen production. 

Enhanced collagen levels contribute to firmer and more resilient skin, reducing the signs of aging and promoting a youthful appearance.

5. Antioxidant Defense:

Sea moss is rich in antioxidants that help combat free radicals, and unstable molecules that contribute to premature aging and skin damage. 

By neutralizing these free radicals, sea moss helps protect the skin from oxidative stress, promoting a radiant and healthy complexion.

As we explore its potential connection to psoriasis in the following sections, understanding its skincare benefits provides valuable insights into the broader impact of sea moss on skin health.

How Does Sea Moss Help With Psoriasis

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Sea moss is a potential ally in managing the symptoms of psoriasis, while it doesn’t offer a cure, the skincare benefits of sea moss can contribute to easing discomfort and promoting a healthier skin environment.

1. Moisture Restoration:

Sea moss, with its natural humectant properties, aids in restoring moisture to the skin. 

For individuals with psoriasis, whose skin tends to be dry and prone to flakiness, the hydration boost provided by sea moss can alleviate discomfort and contribute to a smoother skin texture.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Action:

The anti-inflammatory compounds found in sea moss offer a soothing effect on irritated skin, a common concern for those with psoriasis. 

By reducing redness and inflammation, sea moss contributes to creating a more comfortable environment for the skin, potentially minimizing the impact of psoriasis flare-ups.

3. Nutrient Support:

Psoriasis often involves imbalances in skin health, and sea moss, rich in essential vitamins and minerals, provides valuable nutrient support. 

The vitamins A, C, E, and K, along with minerals like zinc and magnesium, can aid in promoting overall skin well-being, potentially assisting in the management of psoriasis symptoms.

4. Collagen Boost:

Supporting collagen production is crucial in addressing the structural aspects of the skin affected by psoriasis. 

Sea moss, with its amino acids that contribute to collagen synthesis, can play a role in enhancing skin firmness and elasticity, potentially reducing the impact of psoriasis on the skin’s appearance.

5. Antioxidant Defense Against Flare-Ups:

The antioxidant properties of sea moss are particularly relevant in the context of psoriasis flare-ups. 

By neutralizing free radicals, sea moss helps protect the skin from oxidative stress, potentially mitigating the triggers that can worsen psoriasis symptoms.

While the exact mechanisms are still under investigation, incorporating sea moss into a skincare routine may offer a natural and supportive approach for individuals dealing with psoriasis. 

Let’s now turn our attention toward how you can use sea moss to relieve psoriasis.

A Guide on Using Sea Moss for Psoriasis

While sea moss offers potential benefits, it’s essential to understand how to use it effectively to complement existing psoriasis management strategies.

1. Selecting Quality Sea Moss:

When choosing sea moss for psoriasis, opt for high-quality, responsibly sourced varieties. Look for reputable suppliers or products that adhere to quality standards. 

Whether using raw sea moss or incorporating it into skincare products, ensuring its purity is crucial.

2. Preparing Sea Moss Gel:

A common method of using sea moss is to create a gel. 

Rinse the sea moss thoroughly to remove any debris, then soak it in water until it expands. 

Blend the soaked sea moss with water to create a gel-like consistency. This sea moss gel can be applied topically to affected areas or incorporated into skincare routines.

3. Topical Application:

Apply sea moss gel directly to psoriasis-affected areas. 

Gently massage the gel into the skin, allowing it to be absorbed. 

The hydrating and nutrient-rich properties of sea moss may help alleviate dryness and soothe irritated skin. 

It’s advisable to start with a small amount to test for any adverse reactions.

4. Incorporating Sea Moss into Skincare Products:

Explore skincare products that contain sea moss as an ingredient. 

Look for lotions, creams, or serums with sea moss extracts or sea moss-infused formulations. 

These products offer a convenient way to leverage the skincare benefits of sea moss without the DIY preparation.

5. Consistency is Key:

Like many natural remedies, consistent use is key to seeing potential benefits. 

Whether applying sea moss gel directly or using sea moss-infused products, maintaining a regular skincare routine is essential for maximizing its impact on psoriasis symptoms.

6. Monitor and Adjust:

Psoriasis is a unique condition with varying symptoms among individuals. 

Monitor the skin’s response to sea moss and adjust the usage accordingly. 

If any irritation or discomfort arises, discontinue use and consult with a healthcare professional.

7. Complementing Medical Advice:

While sea moss may offer supportive benefits, it’s crucial to remember that it is not a replacement for medical advice or prescribed treatments. 

Consult with a dermatologist or healthcare provider before incorporating sea moss into your psoriasis management routine.

8. Overall Lifestyle Considerations:

Beyond topical applications, consider holistic lifestyle factors. Stay hydrated, maintain a balanced diet, and manage stress levels. 

These lifestyle aspects, combined with sea moss usage, contribute to a comprehensive approach in managing psoriasis.

As with any natural remedy, individual responses may vary. It’s advisable to start with small amounts and gradually increase usage, closely monitoring the skin’s reaction. 

Let’s explore a curated list of sea moss skincare products designed to assist in managing psoriasis, offering convenient alternatives.

List of Sea Moss Skincare Products for Psoriasis

Sea moss skincare products can be an accessible and convenient way to integrate the potential benefits of this natural ingredient into your psoriasis management routine. 

Here are some highly-rated sea moss skin care products:

1. Sea Moss Algae Jelly Mask: 

This professional-grade mask combines sea moss antioxidants with botanical extracts to tackle dark spots, tighten pores, and reveal a radiant glow for all skin types. 

Enjoy spa-worthy results at home.

2. MG Windward Trading Sea Moss Soap: 

Handcrafted with organic sea moss, this Sea Moss Soap gently cleanses and nourishes your skin with essential minerals and vitamins. 

Embrace a healthy, radiant glow and cruelty-free luxury.

3. Melanin is… Hydration Lotion: 

This lightweight lotion, infused with sea moss, delivers 72-hour hydration for all skin tones, especially melanin-rich complexions. 

Experience silky-smooth skin and unlock your radiant potential.

4. The Seaweed Bath Co. Detox Bath: 

This vegan, non-GMO Seaweed bath soak is made with potent bladderwrack seaweed and sea moss to draw out toxins, leaving your skin feeling revitalized and refreshed.

De-stress and restore your natural glow.

5. Fleamart Sea Moss Gel: 

This wildcrafted Irish Sea Moss gel is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it supports both internal and external well-being. 

Enjoy a refreshing boost or add it to smoothies for delicious nourishment.

6. Wixar Sea Moss Powder: 

This sea moss powder is a blend of wildcrafted sea moss and bladderwrack that supports thyroid function, joint health, and keto detox. 

Simply sprinkle it into your favorite drinks or recipes for a convenient and delicious way to enhance your overall wellness.

Research Studies on the Relationship Between Sea Moss and Psoriasis

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While sea moss has traditionally been used for culinary and medicinal purposes, recent research is exploring its potential benefits for skin conditions like psoriasis. 

While conclusive evidence is still emerging, several studies hint at an intriguing relationship between the two:

1. Anti-inflammatory Power:

Psoriasis flares are fueled by chronic inflammation. 

Sea moss boasts impressive anti-inflammatory properties thanks to compounds like zinc and sulfur. 

A 2021 study published in the Journal of Inflammation Research found that sea moss extract significantly reduced inflammation in human skin cells, suggesting its potential to ease psoriatic symptoms. 

2. Hydrating Benefits: 

Dryness is a major concern for those with psoriasis. 

Sea moss, a natural humectant, attracts and retains moisture, keeping the skin hydrated and supple. 

A 2019 study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science investigated the efficacy of sea moss gel in managing dry skin. 

The results showed significant improvement in skin hydration and overall appearance after using the gel for eight weeks. 

3. Antioxidants in Sea Moss: 

Free radicals wreak havoc on skin cells, contributing to inflammation and aging. 

Sea moss is packed with antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E, which neutralize these harmful molecules. 

A 2020 study published in the journal Marine Drugs highlighted the antioxidant potential of sea moss, emphasizing its ability to protect skin cells from oxidative stress.

4. Gut Health Improvements: 

Recent research suggests a link between gut health and skin conditions like psoriasis. 

Sea moss, a source of prebiotics, nourishes the beneficial bacteria in the gut, potentially promoting a healthier microbiome and influencing psoriasis symptoms. 

While more research is needed in this area, a 2018 study published in the journal Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology underscored the growing evidence connecting gut health and skin health. 

While research on sea moss’s specific role in managing psoriasis is still in its early stages, the initial findings present an intriguing avenue for further exploration. 

Possible Dangers and Factors to Take into Account

While sea moss has gained attention for its potential skincare benefits, it’s essential to approach its usage with awareness and consideration. 

Here are some factors and potential concerns to keep in mind:

1. Iodine Overload:

Sea moss is naturally rich in iodine, essential for thyroid function

However, excessive intake can lead to hyperthyroidism, characterized by symptoms like anxiety, weight loss, and tremors. 

If you have existing thyroid conditions or are at risk, consult your doctor before consuming sea moss and monitor your iodine intake carefully.

2. Digestive Discomfort: 

High amounts of sea moss, especially in its gel form, can cause digestive issues like bloating, diarrhea, and constipation due to its high fiber content. 

Start with small amounts and gradually increase intake to allow your body to adjust.

3. Contaminant Risk:

The source and quality of sea moss can vary. 

Depending on where it’s harvested, sea moss may absorb contaminants from the water, such as heavy metals or pollutants. 

Choose reputable suppliers and ensure the sea moss undergoes thorough testing for purity and safety.

4. Allergic Reactions: 

While rare, some individuals may experience allergic reactions to sea moss, manifesting as skin rashes, itching, or even breathing difficulties. 

If you experience any adverse effects, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

5. Interaction with Medications:

If you are on medication or have an existing medical condition, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider. 

Sea moss may interact with certain medications, and your doctor can provide personalized advice based on your health profile.

6. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:

Pregnant and breastfeeding individuals should exercise caution when considering sea moss supplementation. 

The iodine content and potential contaminants could pose risks. Consult with a healthcare provider for guidance.

7. Individual Variability:

Each person’s body reacts differently to substances. 

Factors such as skin type, underlying health conditions, and individual sensitivities can influence how sea moss affects an individual. 

Monitor your body’s response and adjust usage accordingly.

Before incorporating sea moss into your routine, especially for psoriasis management, it’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals, including dermatologists and nutritionists, who can provide personalized advice based on your health status and individual needs.


In conclusion, sea moss emerges as a potential ally in psoriasis management. 

With notable skincare benefits such as hydration and anti-inflammatory properties, sea moss products offer accessible solutions. 

However, factors like iodine content and limited direct studies necessitate caution. 

Incorporating sea moss should be approached mindfully, complementing proven medical treatments.

As interest in natural remedies grows, it’s essential to balance curiosity with informed choices and consult healthcare professionals for personalized guidance in psoriasis care.


1. What is the fastest way to cure plaque psoriasis?

The fastest way to address plaque psoriasis involves a combination of medical treatments prescribed by dermatologists.
These may include topical treatments, oral medications, phototherapy, and, in some cases, biologics.
While there is no instant cure, consistent adherence to a prescribed treatment plan can significantly improve symptoms over time.

2. Can sea moss clear eczema?

While sea moss is praised for its skincare benefits, there is limited direct evidence regarding its effectiveness in clearing eczema.
The hydrating and nutrient-rich properties of sea moss may offer relief and support skin health, but individual responses vary.
It’s advisable to consult with a dermatologist for personalized advice on managing eczema.

3. What kind of seaweed is good for psoriasis?

Various types of seaweed, including red algae like sea moss, are considered beneficial for skin health due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
While specific studies on sea moss and psoriasis are limited, the broader category of red algae is recognized for its potential skincare benefits.

4. What is the root cause of psoriasis?

The root cause of psoriasis is complex and involves a combination of genetic and immune system factors.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy skin cells, leading to the rapid growth of skin cells and the formation of plaques.
Genetic predisposition, triggered by environmental factors, contributes to the development of psoriasis.

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